This month started with surprisingly good weather – until storm Ophelia came up… Luckily, Galway wasn’t as much affected as expected, but it was still a pretty big storm! This is a picture I took at the beach in Barna. I love to watch and hear the sea so much, it’s always so nice!…
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  Hello, my readership! It’s been almost three months now that I’m here at Kings in Rochester. The second week I flew again to England. I stayed that week in my swim teacher’s house. Her husband and she have two little daughters. I used the week to rest as much as possible. I watched numerous…
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  I know, you’ve seen my way to school, but I just can’t help it: I love it so much! You need to know, I’m really not a morning person. I wake up maybe in the third class of the day, but when I get out of the car and see this, it never fails…
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Hello my Readership, It’s been almost four months since my arrival here in Rochester. The winter is arriving, it’s 3 days that here in Rochester is freezing but it’s also raining and snowing. I want to tell you more about the subjects that I’m attending, especially the topics that I’m studying in each subject. The…
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  Hello!   Seems like yesterday it was the first day of school, but Christmas is going to mark the half of the year very soon. Everyone will go home to their families, as Christmas is the time to be together. The Kings Hospital (KH) is now my second home, so it will be a…
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The last weeks of school weren’t that troubling – except for the Christmas exams… It was a little weird to me, because all students came into a huge room that we call study-hall and we all had our exams together, for a week every day three exams. I did pretty good, in fact, my English…
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  Hi, I hope you can see me in this picture! There is a week at King’s Hospital when students try to understand people despite their sexual orientation. For me, it was surprising to see Catholic society accepting anti-religious ideas. Nevertheless, I think it is fantastic to have support, such as: “being the best version…
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This month started too beautiful! The mid-term break began and two of my best friends from Germany visited me! You can see us in the picture below, when Francesca the girl on the right and I brought them back to the airport in Dublin after spending a nice day in town. It was so nice…
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    Hello my readership, After one month I come back for you for telling more about my fantastic experience here in Rochester, England. In January the weather wasn’t so good here in Rochester. It was really cold, windy and snowed for 5 days. It has snowed only during the night but in the morning…
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