HSI Pre-Application

The fastest way to your perfect school

We’re pleased that you’re considering a high school programme with HSI in either the UK or Ireland.

This is a general guide about the system we use to quickly and effectively match students with suitable schools. We call it a Pre-Application.

  • The majority of schools we deal with in the UK and Ireland are not international schools – they are local British or Irish schools;
  • Therefore they do not have either lots of vacancies or even regular vacancies;
  • Therefore they are selective about students they will accept.

This is probably very similar to how schools in your city accept students – they want to see a student application, sometimes they want to interview the student/parents, and they always want to know a little about the background of the student.

General Enquiry Form

So we work on the basis of:

  • The parents (you) must like the school we offer, and
  • The schools must like the students we offer, and
  • The school must have a suitable vacancy for the student.

We produce school profiles to give you some idea of the schools we recommend.

We also need to produce a student profile to show the schools.

So, the best, fastest and most efficient system is the HSI way:

  • You work with your local HSI Trusted Partner agency, and they will complete a Pre-Application and submit it to us along with an English language assessment and school transcripts.
  • We reply to you with potential schools who meet your requirements and have space available.
  • You read the profiles of the schools we recommend and if you are happy then we start the application process.

It is always a very bad idea to choose an individual school without going through this process. If you do, and the school for any reason is not available or not suitable, you will be disappointed.

You can of course go through the schools we offer with your local HSI Trusted Partner agency, and you can include up to three of them under the section for Preferences on both the Pre-Application and the main application.

But please remember that this section is for preference. Schools will not confirm acceptance until they have seen all of the application.

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students recieve exam results