What is Guardianship?

Guardianship is a practical and moral support system for young students who are studying in a foreign country, away from their parents.

It provides reassurances to students, their parents, and the schools they are attending, that should a student need any additional care, support or assistance, there is somebody nearby who can, and will, help.

Who needs Guardianship?

  • Any student under the age of 16 is required by law to have a guardian.
  • Most students aged 16+ who are away from their natural parents will benefit from the support of a local guardian.

Why is Guardianship Important?

An effective guardianship service, like that provided by HSI, takes on the roles and responsibilities that the natural parents would normally have.

We are here to make sure that students achieve their full potential whilst away from home, and occasionally, when students are having problems, we are available to help solve those problems in a way that natural parents won’t be able to from a distance.

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exchange student with host family - accreditations
Host father helps students with school work

We offer two levels of guardianship:

Full Guardianship

Our full guardianship service provides the highest level of supervision and progress monitoring available. This thorough service gives students the support they need to reach their full potential whilst away from home.

Ideal for long term students, those on graduation programmes, or those needing to validate their studies.

Basic Guardianship

Basic guardianship is suitable for students who require a more limited level of care than we offer in our Full Guardianship.

Students can apply for our Basic guardianship if they are:

  • aged 16+ and
  • enrolled in a boarding school.

Professional, Reliable, Safe.

High Schools International is a founding member of the AGPI, the Association of Guardianship Providers in Ireland, and a proud member of the BSA, Boarding Schools’ Association in the United Kingdom. Both some of the highest bodies in Guardianship services and among the best in the industry.

Choosing an accredited Guardianship service, like ours, guarantees you the highest standards in child welfare.

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host family and students at meal table

Guardianship brochure

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