Please Note: The UK is no longer accepting new applications for UK programmes while we restructure our operations. Please note that this does not affect any of our Ireland programmes which continue uninterrupted. Please contact Declan Millar at for further information on options in the UK.

Our application forms are designed for you

After 30 years of practice we have refined out application process to be as simple and intuitive as possible.

Here you will find all the resources you will need to complete a pre-application and an application form.

HSI Covid Policy

Please Note: If the parent/legal guardian of a student refuses to allow the student to be vaccinated the following conditions apply:

  • If there is a new outbreak of a contagious form of Covid or any other major infection, the Student will be obliged to return home immediately, without a right of appeal and without any entitlement to a refund.
  • Parents/Guardians will be responsible for any extra costs (such as isolation, medical or other treatment etc) that may arise in these circumstances.
  • As the student will have been placed with a host family willing to accommodate him/her as an unvaccinated student, in any circumstances where the student is obliged to leave this host family we will make all efforts to locate a new family willing to host but if this is not successful the student must return home immediately and will not be entitled to any refund of fees paid and fees due.
  • However, if it is a question of imminent danger to the student we will of course remove him/her to new accommodation.

In advance of the start of the Programme we will request completion of a Covid-19 questionnaire to capture further information on the student’s Covid-19 history and vaccination details.

Please Note: Most boarding schools require all students to be fully vaccinated.


Supporting Documents
Step-By-Step Guide
HSI Pre-Application Form

Main Application

Supporting Documents
Step-By-Step Guidance
HSI Main Application

Support for Parents

Often parents fill in the Main Application form.

Here you will find some useful guidance if you are not from an agency, but are filling in the Main Application form.

HSI Main Application