Category: 2021/22 Chika I. (Japan) Blog Blogger High School Exchange School Year Abroad Study Abroad

New Year, New Furniture

Happy New Year Everyone!!

My new year was at my friend, EmilyKate’s house in Wexford too. On New Year’s Eve, we went up to Dublin and looked around at some new furniture in IKEA. It has a mass of couches, beds, and tables to choose from. We stayed about 3 hours or more there but what we bought were only mini white candles and blue clear glass. As it was around noon when we arrived, it was so many people that I expected. In contrast, my nation’s Japanese new year is much quieter and calm. I found so much interest in this culture.

Right away we came back to the house, EK (EmilyKate) and I crawled into bed with hot chocolate made by EK. We ordered Chinese food as usual and watched an Irish TV show named Mrs Brown and countdown together and slept literally right after we said happy new year!

In 2022, I want to improve my writing skill more as I had never produced long English essays before I came to Ireland. It doesn’t connect well with the previous sentence and is sometimes scattered around with what I want to say. I’m hoping to fix this by summer.

Also, I want to join a badminton club in the school this year. As I stay in the school residence, it has a school bus every morning and after school. In addition to that, my class schedule has only one PE in a week which means I’m not getting enough exercise! I’m a bit shy about talking to native speakers but I try my best.

After the Christmas holiday, I was so happy to see my friends and to have classes in school again. My first year in Ireland, which was last year, was horrible. As you know TY year study nothing and stead of that we get new experience and discover myself. However, this time last year was completely rocked down until Easter. Doing classes on zoom in English was exhausting and too hard to get teachers’ meanings. I couldn’t speak and listen to English properly at that time, so I asked around everybody in res about homework or a summary of the class. That was the most embarrassing thing ever haha. Through this experience, I love to go to school.

I do seven subjects: English, Maths, Biology, Geography, Art, Economics and Japanese.

In these subjects, I found Geography and Biology to be the most difficult. In Geography class, we write thousand-word essays which I am not the best at. Again, as my answer to the question spread everywhere in the essay, I can’t get to the main point. Plus I write it so slowly that it’s hard to finish on time. On the other hand, Biology doesn’t have essays which is much easier for me. However, there are too many new words and few of them are not English. Besides, sometimes I can’t understand the meaning of the question and answer something completely different which is stupid. Every day I’m depressed again and again, but I try to enjoy the situation I am in now!

Thank you for reading! I will keep working hard to master English!!

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