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Carlotta's Exciting Return to College and Easter Adventures

Writer's picture: Carlotta M. (Germany)Carlotta M. (Germany)

The last two months were very eventful and exciting months.

At the beginning of March, the country was still in lockdown and I had online lessons. But then we got the news that schools would open again on the 8th March.

This meant we had to pick up saliva covid tests before we could go back and do them twice a week. We did one the Thursday before we came back and waited for the results.

Carlotta and her homemade scones

A Bumpy Start to College

However, there was a problem and the laboratory couldn’t process all the tests. As a result, the start of college was moved back to the 11th and we had to do lateral flow tests instead. I was nervous when we went back as it had been exactly 3 months since the last time I was in college.

It was really nice to be back in college and to have a real routine again and the teachers helped a lot with this transition.

Easter Holiday Adventures

We had 3 weeks of school and then already easter holidays. As the covid cases decrease here in England, the rules get more and more relaxed and at the end of March we could meet again with six people outdoors. So on the Saturday before easter, me and my friends went to a park a had picnic.

On Easter Sunday the weather was lovely, and my host sister and I spent the whole day by the sea. That was a great day!

Baking Scones in the Snow

One day, my host sister and I decided to bake scones as this was something we definitely wanted to do while we are in England. So we invited some friends and did a typical English afternoon tea outside. However, just when we wanted to put everything outside it started snowing.

Then one of our friends arrived and it still snowed. Luckily, 10 minutes later it stopped and in the end it was a really nice afternoon with a lot of sunshine.

Exploring the Isle of Wight

On the 12th of April, the second holiday week started and even more covid rules were relaxed. This meant shops and restaurants opened outside again and we could finally travel.

First, I went to the Isle of Wight which is close to Southampton. We arrived early in the morning and went to the capital Newport. From there we took a bus and drove to the Needles, famous rock formations. We went back to the south west coast and saw a nice coastline and some lovely houses.

A Day Trip to Salisbury and Stonehenge

The second trip I did was to Salisbury, about half an hour from Southampton. It’s a cute little town with a fantastic old cathedral. We explored the town and were basically done at 1. Then we decided to go to Stonehenge because we didn’t know what else to do.

We weren’t sure at first because it is expensive but in the end the money was worth it. We took a bus and then arrived at the stones. It was great there and we took many pictures. All in all, it took us probably one and a half hours to walk around the stones once.

Now college has started again and it’s already the last term. It’s crazy how fast time has gone by and in two months I’ll already be on my way home again.

Carlotta on the Isle of Wight

Carlotta and friends in England

Carlotta and her friend at Stonehenge

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